Tuesday 14 June 2016

Komodo National Park, Komodo Island Indonesia

As kids we used to read, watch and hear a lot of stories on dragons and their attacks and how other animals used to dread from them. When I attended a seminar by Indonesia Tourism board, I realized, dragons still exist in this world. Oh, I was surprised and also scared of if I ever I encounter a dragon. Anyways, when I was invited by Indonesia Tourism Board, I was thrilled and even happier when I came to know we would be visiting Komodo National Park during our FAM trip.
Viharin.com- Komodo National Park
Komodo National Park
The d day came when we were supposed to explore Komodo National Park. I was so eager to see a dragon and at the same time a bit afraid. However, I had gone to the park in an attire suitable for jungle visits. A T-shirt, jeans and my favourite running shoes. I knew it was supposed to be a good 2-3 hours walk. So had prepared myself mentally for the same.
Viharin.com- Jungle
As we started walking in the jungle, I could feel the freshness of air, trees and fallen leaves. It was a beautiful scene.
Viharin.com- Dense forest
Dense forest
On the way , we were shown palm tree which is used to prepare palm oil, palm sugar. Babies of dragons stay in palm trees to avoid cannibalization.
Viharin.com- Palm tree
Palm tree
We had not gone very far, when we spotted few people standing. Oh wow!!, there they were. It was a pair. Male and female dragon.
Viharin.com- Fierce dragon
Fierce dragon
Female dragon was very aggressive and was roaming around swiftly, gazing at each of us. It seemed very angry and hungry. There were two groups so 4 guides by the Komodo National Park. So, I felt a bit secured. All guides had big sticks in their hands.

Nidhi KM

Viharin.com- Female dragon taking round aggressively
Female dragon taking round aggressively

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